Thursday, May 7, 2009

Facebook and Linkedin

I have a Facebook account and will visit there several times a week, mostly to keep current with my family on Prince Edward Island and in Boston. I really enjoy looking at their photo albums. I think for the most part I must be an old fart, because I don't get the logging on and telling people what I am doing or how I am feeling; but to each his own.
I have never used Linkedin, but will give it a try. Who knows, it might be worthwile in the long run.

2.5 and away we go...

O.K. so here's the thing. I, like Tom, am not a SL citizen and can not imagine myself spending any time "exploring" at home. However, as a grandmother of a 9 year old who plays in virtual worlds, I can understand the value in libraries having a presence "in world." I can imagine a time when I will be using this technology as a function of my profession, but in no way will I patricipate in therse activities once I home. I do not consider myself a gamer and prefer more tactile activities such as spinning and knitting. But, I can appreciate how some people are naturally drawn to this type of world.